Your 2018 Halloween Safety Guide

The Halloween countdown begins!
Everyone knows the cardinal rule on Halloween: Always check your child’s candy before you let them devour it. However, with times changing, so are our safety standards. Here are some ideas, tips and tricks to help keep your little one(s) safe and your mind a little more at ease.
Watch for cars! Looking both ways (left, right and left again) is a safety staple for everyday life, and even more important with the boost of pedestrians Halloween night brings us. Make sure to always cross streets at corners or crosswalks, and never dart out between cars.
Wear bright, reflective clothing or try to incorporate it in your child’s costume or candy bucket/bag. If possible, avoid masks and get creative with face paint. Masks can block a child’s vision and make it harder to see any potential dangers.
Electronics are more popular now than ever before and can be too much of a distraction. Snap your pictures and/or videos before you take off on your trick-or-treating adventure to avoid being distracted while your children are approaching strangers’ houses. If your child has a phone, make sure they always know to only use it in case of an emergency and to stay alert.
As important as it is to be aware while walking, it’s also important to be aware while driving. Not everyone will see this article and know how to be as safe as you. Be a defensive driver, turn on headlights sooner, drive slowly and use extra caution while driving during popular trick-or-treating hours.
Go out in groups! Not only is it safer, it’s more fun to enjoy the night with family and friends.
Finally, if you have pets, Halloween is a great night to bring them indoors, as there will be plenty of strangers walking by your house. However, keeping them in a room that is not next to the front door is best, so you don’t frighten your trick-or-treaters with a barking Fido. Remember: As much as Fido would love to devour those Snickers and KitKats, chocolate can be lethal for dogs. Keep them out of reach!
Stay alert, stay safe AV and get ALL the candies!
From everyone here at, have a Happy Halloween!